Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: NewsWatcher 2.0b19 For example, you might see four part posting in comp .binaries mac with the following subjects My awesome new Wild Tetris game (part 1 of 4) My awesome new Wild Tetris awe6 (part 2 of 4 My awesome new Wild Tetris game (part of Mv awesome new Wild Tetris awe6 (part 4 The first part of multiple part posting. usually contains a short description of the attached file followed imm'ediately by the first part of the unreadable 'BinHex or uuencode remaining parts of the posting usually contain only encoded te nothing readable Sometimes you see a part number 0 which contains just the description with the text starting in part number When you combine all these conventions the result is complicated. If you were to extract the attached files from a multiple part binary postin'g by h ...